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World Arthritis Day 2020

Arthritic Hand Felling Pian on a Tenura logoTo help advocate for World Arthritis Day 2020 (10.12.20), we thought it would be a great idea to answer some of the most commonly asked questions surrounding arthritis.

Can Arthritis be Cured? / Can Arthritis be Treated?

Currently, a cure is not known for arthritis. However, there are many treatments available that can decelerate and help minimise the pain and other symptoms surrounding arthritis. If you believe you or someone you know has arthritis, seek a doctor’s advice immediately.

Can Arthritis be Treated GraphicTo treat arthritis, you can use prescribed medication. There are some lifestyle changes you can make too, such as spending more time in the sun, as Vitamin D helps maintain healthy bones and allows the autoimmune system to work correctly. Sunshine is especially helpful for those with rheumatoid arthritis which is often caused by an autoimmune response in the body. You can read more about this in our "Activities in the Sun for People with Arthritis" blog.

There are various operations doctors can perform depending on the type of arthritis and its severity, with the well-known being, joint replacement surgery. During this surgery, a prosthetic joint replaces an arthritic joint.

Can Arthritis Spread?

Rheumatoid arthritis is currently perceived to spread via a person’s blood vessels. If a person has rheumatoid arthritis their arthritic joint releases synovial cells contained in the synovial sac (the sac lubricate joints to avoid friction and wear), these cells travel around the body, affecting other joints-according to a study at the Kerckhoff-Clinic, Germany.

Unlike rheumatoid arthritis, osteoarthritis does not spread through the body. Due to this, a person with osteoarthritis may overcompensate, heavily using other joints to remain balanced and mobile. Overcom­pen­sating can cause those other joints to have excess stress put through them, which can be damaging, and this is why it is crucial to seek a doctor’s advice as soon as symptoms of arthritis occur.

What does Arthritis Feel Like-What does Arthritis Look Like-Explained In Graphics-Pain-Redness-Edema-Stiffness-AbcessesWhat does Arthritis Look Like?

Arthritis can cause edema (swelling) in the affected areas, along with red-ish skin. In acute cases, joints are misshapen, so much so, the affected area takes on a new shape resulting in a crooked finger or toe. Knobbly abscesses can contribute to the malformed appearance, these abscesses are the body trying to protect itself, as the joints wear down, the body attempts to regrow the bone, and it doesn’t always grow in the shape it once was. Another indication of arthritis is small mucous cysts that develop on the hands.

What does Arthritis Feel Like?

Initially, it is said to feel achy, similar to a burning sensation which comes and goes depending on your activity level. In the later stages, the pain tends not to subside and remains in the affected joints. Around affected joints, the skin may be warm to the touch due to inflammation caused by irritated joints. Joints tend to become stiff and seize up, which is why the NHS recommends exercise.

How can you Participate in World Arthritis Day 2020?

We are glad you asked, there are many ways you can support World Arthritis Day. You can raise awareness and spread knowledge through your family, friends and social media. You can participate in local healthcare organisation’s charity events, appeals or fundraisers. Perhaps you could start a fundraiser yourself or participate in a fun run.

One of the ways Tenura will be supporting World Arthritis Day is through our marketing channels. We will be posting helpful information all month regarding Arthritis and Tenura arthritis aids. You can learn more about Tenura arthritis aids through our blog.

A quick low down of some helpful arthritis friendly Tenura products:

t-b-1-red-bottle-opener-pill-bottle-1Tenura Non-Slip Coasters and Anti-Slip Mats

Non-slip coasters and anti-slip mats provide a place to rest things such as mugs and plates, the silicone grips onto the objects which keeps them held in position. A person with arthritis may find these anti-slip mats to be helpful, as you can use them in conjunction with the silicone jar and bottle openers to open containers with one hand, allowing you to use the less arthritic hand.


t-b-2-blue-bottle-opener-milk-1Tenura Silicone Jar and Bottle Opener

Jar and bottle openers enable you to open containers with ease. Tenura silicone has grip-enhancing properties that allow you to get a firm grasp of lids. For a person living with arthritis, these openers can be a great help as pain, swelling, or other flare-up symptoms can make objects a struggle to hold.



Tenura Silicone Cutlery Grips

Arthritis can cause reduced movement in your hands and fingers that makes holding onto cutlery difficult. By sliding Tenura cutlery grips onto utensils, you no longer require the full motion used to clutch cutlery as the surface area is now greater.



Tenura Silicone Non-Slip Grip Strips and Rolls

Create bespoke arthritis aids using Tenura grip strips or rolls. You can cut Tenura silicone down to the size and shape required. Many of our customers who live with arthritis use the grip strips around handles of cupboards, pans, DIY and gardening tools, to mention a few. Tenura silicone is both a non-slip material and grip-enhancing, which is why it is perfect for use on handles, you can get a firm hold without the risk of things slipping out of your hands.

All the products listed above are made from Tenura silicone, which means they are:

  • Antimicrobial (prevents bacteria harbouring)
  • Washable by hand or dishwasher (withstanding temperatures up to 250°C)
  • Non-toxic (safe to use in all environments)
  • Latex-free

To stay up-to-date with all the events and activities during World Arthritis Day 2020, you can follow the hashtags:

  • #WAD20World-Arthritis-Day-Logo
  • #WorldA­rt­hri­tisDay
  • #ArthritisDay
  • #Arthri­tis­Da­y2020
  • #Cure­Art­hri­tisWAD

And follow us on our social media channels; Facebook, Twitter and YouTube and don’t forget to tag us in your World Arthritis Day activities.

New Video: Silicone Grip-Enhancing Jar & Bottle Openers

Videos are a great way to showcase products, which is why we have teamed up once again with MegMazeMedia to produce our latest installment, the Jar and Bottle Opener video. In this video, we explore uses for Tenura jar and bottle openers, you know, besides opening containers.

Sit, back, relax, and enjoy the show.

As you can see at the start of this video, Tenura jar and bottle openers are in our eco-friendly packaging, an initiative we are pushing across the whole Tenura daily living aid range.

We manufacture Tenura jar, and bottle openers from 100% antimicrobial silicone, which gives Tenura silicone many advantageous properties. Their primary use is likely within a kitchen, to open tricky jars and containers, which is why they are antimicrobial, meaning bacteria and germs can’t harbour on the surface, which is fundamental in areas that require a high level of hygiene. Another terrific benefit that follows on from them being antimicrobial is that no cost-saving additives such as phthalate plasticisers are in their construction, meaning they are also non-toxic.

For people living with conditions such as arthritis that can result in weakened hand strength, Tenura jar and bottle openers can be a simple yet effective daily tool. Their compact size means you can take them to your workplace or a restaurant, wherever you may need this helpful gadget.

T-B-2-Blue-Bottle-Opener-Cupboard-Handle-1Tenura Jar Openers

Jar Openers have many great uses. From the video, you can see they work well when turning doorknobs or other large containers that can be slippery or tough to open. Tenura silicone jar openers allow you to gain purchase on smooth surfaces. The following were excellent examples in the video:

  1. Twisting Doorknobs
  2. Opening Jars
  3. Opening large containers with twist-off caps

Tenura Bottle Openers 

For smaller containers/­objects, Tenura offers the silicone bottle opener. Having a smaller version of the jar opener can help you gain purchase on items like bottle tops. In the video, we explore some great uses for this Tenura product:

  1. Opening milk bottles
  2. Turning taps
  3. Opening pill bottles
  4. Opening small containers with twist-off caps
Tenura silicone is easy to wash. Just like in the video, hot, soapy water is enough to get Tenura daily living aids clean. Tenura products are also dishwasher and autoclave safe up to 482°F. Sadly, some of our competitors cannot say the same. Please note that the non-slip, grip-enhancing properties return to Tenura silicone once dry. Tenura silicone is easy to wash. Just like in the video, hot, soapy water is enough to get Tenura daily living aids clean. Tenura products are also dishwasher and autoclave safe up to 482°F. Sadly, some of our competitors cannot say the same. Please note that the non-slip, grip-enhancing properties return to Tenura silicone once dry.

Both are available in red, blue, and yellow. They are available to purchase from our website: Tenura Bottle Opener | Tenura Jar Opener

We hope you enjoyed watching Tenura’s video. You can see more of our product videos via our YouTube channel. Let us know in the YouTube comments section any innovative uses you have used your Tenura jar and bottle openers for, we hope to hear from you soon.

New Video: Enhance Summer with Tenura Daily Living Aids

Glorious sunshine has filled our days so far and I am sure we can all agree that we wish this to continue through summer. If it does, Americans will all be on long walks, cycling and having fun in the sun. However, for some, being outside poses a new set of challenges, especially for the disabled or elderly. Tenura daily living aids can help the summer days go smoothly, so to showcase some brilliant applications Maze Web Media has created a brilliant video. Please enjoy it.

When sat outside in your yard enjoying a BBQ, there are plenty of helpful Tenura daily living aids.

Featured daily living aids in the video and some great benefits:


Stretch Tenuras silicone CupCap over the top of any drinks container to add a waterproof barrier. This layer stops spills, keeps drinks fresher for longer and prevents debris from entering the container.

Grip Strips & Rolls

Add extra grip to a surface with grip strips and rolls. As you can see in the video, they work perfectly on BBQ utensils. Tenura grip strips and rolls are available in self-adhesive and non-adhesive versions in various colours and sizes. Explore product pages of Tenura anti slip strips and rolls to find the one that fits the job

Tenura Anti Slip Table Mats

Place bowls, plates and cups on Tenura non-slip mats to avoid accidents such as breakages and spillages. Tenuras colours are fun and bright making them perfect for summer, there are different mat sizes to suit all uses.

Silicone Jar Opener

Jars, especially unopened ones, can be a struggle. To avoid this, Tenura has produced the silicone jar opener. Tenuras silicone grips to the slippery lid with ease and reduces the strain put on muscles and joints. A perfect daily living aid for those who have arthritis.

Utensil Grips

If you have impairment to your grip strength, Tenura utensil grips can be a great help. They add stability and a larger area to grasp, making eating more accessible and comfortable.

Bathroom Stickers

Add Tenura bathroom stickers to the base of kid's pools is genius. A neat idea making playtime safer.

Daily living aids to improve your summer and garden parties

Impress friends and family with great gadgets from the Tenura daily living aid range. See exciting ways to use Tenura products by subscribing to our YouTube channel.

Activities in the Sun for People with Arthritis

There are things you can do to try and improve your well being and decrease the pain you may feel due to Arthritis. Staying active can help you to avoid stiffness in your joints and can also be a morale booster. Being out in the fresh air and underneath the warmth of the sun can provide many benefits for those who have Arthritis.

Activities for People with Arthritis - sunny day and activities for arthritis

What is Arthritis?

Activities for People with Arthritis - Arthritis in Hand GraphicArthritis is a condition that tends to affect those who are part of the older generation this is often due to the natural wear and tear of material within joints. It does affect all ages and often impacts those who have been incredibly active throughout their childhood. Injury or infection can also increase your chance of Arthritis. Having said that, you should still exercise but do so on a flat, low impact ground that can absorb some of the force through the joints and help out to avoid falls. This can mean that the protective tissue within the joints has been worn away. It is beneficial to help decrease your risk of Arthritis and there are also certain activities you can do to relieve symptoms related to Arthritis.

Why is sunshine helpful to people with Arthritis?

Getting plenty of sunshine has been linked to a decreased risk of autoimmune diseases such as Rheumatoid Arthritis. This long-term condition affects the joints and often causes pain, swelling and stiffness. Sunshine helps the body to synthesise Vitamin D. Vitamin D keeps bones healthy and the autoimmune system working. The autoimmune system is responsible for fighting off infections/­diseases. Sunshine for those who have Psoriatic Arthritis, they often see the clearing of patchy red skin associated with this condition. Psoriatic Arthritis affects some of those who have Psoriasis, which is a condition affected by the immune system. It is thought to be triggered by unusual immune responses and a sign of Psoriasis is red patches of skin near the affected joints.

Activities for people with Arthritis

There are all sorts of activities you can do in the sun. For people with Arthritis, it is important to keep in mind that pain may be experienced through some exercises, so it is essential to start slowly and get to know your bodies' limitations. You do not want to cause yourself further pain. Tenura has researched and found that the following activities reduce the risk of Arthritis and help improve the lives of those who have the condition.


Activities for People with Arthritis - Family on a walk in the sunWalking is an activity that can involve friends and family. You can visit new places and soak up the sunshine and fresh air. Walking is a great activity for people who have Arthritis, being sat still can cause the joint to stiffen up. Keeping muscles and tissue in the joints warm and limber and can allow the person to move easily without as much pain.

To make sure this is enjoyable and safe, you must wear trainers that fit and provide support for your ankle joints. A flat smooth surface such as a public footpath can also offer you more control over your movements and can help to avoid any accidental injury that could be caused. A walking stick or other daily living aids could be used to help you access more routes and offer an extra level of comfort and confidence. If you pair a walking aid with Tenura anti slip grip strips around the handle, additional comfort and support is offered and the handle will also have non slip properties.


Activities for People with Arthritis - Old couple doing yoga in the sunYoga is adaptable to each individual. As the body becomes comfortable with the movements, the person becomes more flexible and can gain a connection between the mind and the body. Yoga holds this connection at its core and it is said to help relieve and find the source of pain. It can also help you find ways to deal with the pain. The slow and calm breathing can be a source of pain relief and is a useful technique, according to Dr. Kolasinski, a Rheumatologist at the University of Pennsylvania. To make this a safe activity make sure you are wearing appropriate clothing, including trainers that offer ankle support. You may also want to invest in knee and elbow bands/braces that provide support too.

To reap the most benefits from yoga, you should focus on a mixture of muscle-strengthening exercises, flexibility exercises and balance exercises.


Activities for People with Arthritis - Family cycling in the sunCycling is an accessible activity for people with Arthritis as less strain is put through the joints due to the mechanical structure of a bike. These kinds of low impact activities are perfect for active people with musculoskeletal conditionals.

Arthritis Aids

Explore the range of Tenura daily living aids to find products that can help you complete exercises with more stability and confidence. Many of the daily living aids can have a positive impact on your life and be a great Arthritis aid.

Tenura at Rehacare 2019

Rehacare International Logo 2019Tenura are once again exhibiting at Rehacare at the Messe Düsseldorf in Germany this year.

The international trade fair for rehabilitation, prevention, inclusion and care will play host to 700 exhibitors from 40 countries and many, many more visitors looking to learn about the latest technologies and products within their respected fields.

From the September 18th through 21st, Chris and Stuart are looking forward to welcoming visitors to our stand located in Hall 5, stand number 5G35/5. They are there to answer any Tenura related questions you may have, whether they come from the perspective of wholesale/­commercial end user or reseller.

We’re really excited to once again be exhibiting our brand at Rehacare.

If visitor entrance vouchers are required to come and see us, you can obtain them by completing our contact us form, or alternatively get in touch with us by phone or live chat and we will be more than happy to assist you.

Posted in Daily Living Aids, Exhibitions, Tenura Updates on .

Tenura is Prop 65 Compliant

tenura prop 65For those who reside in California, the Proposition 65 Law is very familiar in day to day life. However, other states may not be aware of this regulation. Tenura would love to bring some light to this situation, and inform our customers of the benefits of using Tenura over other companies.

To start off, California’s Safe Drinking Water & Toxic Enforcement Act of 1986, known as Proposition 65, states that businesses must provide warnings when exposed to certain chemicals that are known to cause cancer, birth defects, and reproductive harm. The state of California closely monitors the list, and ensures that if these chemicals are used and customers are not told of the composition, there could be serious fines for that company’s actions. The state can charge up to $2,500 per day, when a business does not inform their consumers of potential health risks.

What Are These Chemicals?

The Chemicals that cause these types of life altering issues are called phthalates. Companies will add these chemicals into plastics to make them flexible. They are banned and restricted in numerous parts of the world, including Europe and the US. Right now the list contains six chemicals, but you would be surprised as to what these chemicals are going into! Here are some examples:

  • Binders
  • Lunch Boxes
  • Handbags
  • Raingear
  • Gloves
  • Garden Hoses
  • Ink / Pigments
  • Medical Devices
  • Perfume / Nail Polish

How Are You Exposed to These Chemicals?

  1. Breathing in Phthalates that are in the air and dust
  2. Consuming Food contaminated with Phthalates from packaging
  3. Undergoing Surgeries / Medical procedures that use devices containing Phthalates
  4. Absorbing Phthalates through the skin by touching end products
  5. Transferring Phthalates from hand to mouth, from touching the end products

What is Tenura Doing to Make a Difference in Your Health?

Tenura offers a wide range of independent living aids. We have something for all areas of the home including worktops, trays, handles, and tables. Unlike numerous manufactures, Tenura daily living aids are made entirely from silicone. This means they are non-toxic and chemically harmless. There is no worry about phthalates within our products, as with the use of silicone, we don’t need them.

Tenura’s main goal is take care of the little things by helping people maintain an independent lifestyle. Not only do we supply materials for adults, but children as well. That is why our chemical composition is so important to us. We are here to help people become and stay independent. We know that with our silicone based daily living aids we can do just that!

If you would like a copy of our Proposition 65 Statement, please give us a call or use the contact us form and a member of our sales team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Posted in Internet, Tenura Updates and tagged prop 65 compliance, proposition 65, tenura on .

Helping Elderly Friends and Relatives That Live Alone

Having older relatives that live alone can be a concern, but Tenura’s products are designed to make daily tasks easier and less hazardous. This blog is all about which of our products can be the most effective and affordable.

Aqua Safe Anti Slip Strips

T-AQUA-C-White-Bathroom-Circles-In-Shower-1Aqua safe anti slip strips and have a strong adhesive bond, this non abrasive material is soft on skin yet durable when applied. To ensure there is an effective bond you will need to clean the surface, we recommend an alcohol based cleaner (Heskin’s IPA Cleaner) in comparison to a cream cleaner; this is because cream cleaners leave behind a residue causing the application to fail. This product comes in 2 shaped (discs or strips) these prevent slipping in the bath or shower or for extra support when moving around.

This product can be used;

  • On tiled flooring
  • Bath and shower trays

Anti Grip slip strips and rolls

T-R-1+-Red-Grip-Roll-Packaging-Studio-1Anti slip grip and rolls are available in large rolls or pre cut strips coming in a range of sizes. They can be used all around the house where extra grip is needed. Easy to apply, you simply grab the roll (and cut to size if needed) or strips and then wrap them around the surface then with the silicone grip they hold together for easy application and removal.

 You can apply these to;

  • Door handles for extra support.
  • Pan handles
  • Crutches

Table and floor mats 

TC-MAT-35-2-Blue-Table-Mat-Dinning-Table-2Tablemats are made from silicone and create a strong bond to hard surfaces preventing any unwanted movement. The table and floor mats have an adhesive like quality making it easy to apply and remove from hard surfaces without leaving a sticky residue behind. They are easy to clean either with warm soapy water or in the dishwasher, once dried they are ready to use again and again.

These can be used;    

  • Under a cutting board when preparing your favorite meal preventing slips especially when using a sharp knife        
  • They are also effective when put in front of beds or chairs assisting when sitting or standing with extra support.
  • On a side table, for example next to the front door, with the table mats bright colours it makes it easier to find where to put your personal belongings down, for those with visual impairments. Place your keys, phone or wallet on the mat preventing things from falling off.


Anti Microbial Moulded Cup Holders

T-CH-1-Red-Cup-Holder-Mug-Studio-1Moulded cup holders are similar to regular coasters however these fit to the bottom of your cup creating an anti slip base. They are brightly coloured making it easier to find them or make sure that it is on the bottom of the cup. Made from silicone they have heat resilience preventing any marks or stains when placed on tables.

Cutlery Grips

These cutlery grips are made from silicone which is soft and easy to grip, the large grip reduces pressure on joints reducing any discomfort. They are washable either with hot soapy water or in a dishwasher. Washing these will not get rid of any of the qualities and they are ready to use again once dried. Available in 2 sizes (children and adult) these cutlery grips fit around;

  • Dining utensils (knives, forks, spoons) T-CG-1-Cutlery-Grips-Knife+Fork-Studio-1
  • Pens
  • Pencils  
  • Paint brushes
  • Tooth brushes
  • Make up brushes 
  • Hand Tools

To purchase these products, visit the website or call us via phone or live chat. Alternatively use the contact us form and a member of the sales team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Fixing the Plastic Crisis

Fixing the plastic crisis - plastic drinsk bottle in ocean near turtleIn modern day life it is virtually impossible to avoid plastic, but with the growing epidemic of plastic pollution, it is in our best interests to minimise the amount we use.

Plastics harm the environment by seeping into soil and water, degrading our beaches, killing wildlife, choking our oceans and killing millions of marine animals each year.

There is now a huge campaign to reduce the plastic foot print by governments, environmental groups and worldwide supporters.

We are part of the problem and now need to be part of the solution.

Our problem is that we live in a throw away culture and urgency is needed to move away from this lifestyle involving single use plastic.

Even If we make little changes in our day to day life, that can help to reduce our own plastic footprint.

Together we can have a huge impact in reducing the plastic footprint.

Below are a few pointers to go plastic free at home.

Plastic Bags

Purchase reusable bags made from durable, environment friendly materials that will last time and time again.

Plastic Bottles

Refillable, glass water bottles are much better for the environment and yourself.

Plastic Straws

Skip a straw or buy a reusable metal one.

Shop Local

Local farmers markets are ideal for plastic free shopping; as most items are displayed loose and likely to accommodate your needs. Most food presented in these markets hasn’t travelled great distances to get to you, therefore the carbon footprint is low.

Buy in Bulk

Reduces the amount of plastic packaging.

Reusable Party Cutlery

The amount of single use party ware we throw away in our lifetimes would add up to a considerable amount.


Recycle When Possible

This will give your used packaging the best chance of being disposed of correctly to reduce the pollution created from waste.

The ‘Attenborough Effect’ has sparked a rise in beaches around the UK having a big clean up. With a rise in 18 beaches since last year being awarded for their litter free sands. Over the past 12 months, this movement has led to a 53 percent reduction in single-use plastic.

Large fast-food and coffee franchises such as McDonalds, Starbucks and Sheetz are leading the way in the eradication of their single-use plastic straws as well as offering reusable cups.

Certain Supermarkets are also taking action to reduce plastic packaging on their products by creating plastic-free aisles so consumers can buy products loosely, or bring their own containers.

The UK has also banned products containing microbeads within the last year.

What Effort is Tenura Making?

New Tenura Cardbaord Packaging which is More Eco-FriendlyHere at Tenura we are making the move from plastic to cardboard packaging, starting with our jar and bottle openers. By 2020, the entire Tenura range will be packaged in cardboard retail boxes.

Cardboard is a very durable material, which allows products to withstand long transportation times. It prevents moisture from accessing goods within the packaging and prevents them from becoming damaged.

Cardboard is biodegradable and recyclable, with it also being more easily and widely recycled than any other material. In addition, it would create lighter packaging so this would also reduce the emissions used when transporting.

For more specific information on our new cardboard packaging, or to place an order, you can contact the Tenura sales team via phone or live chat. Alternatively complete our contact us form and we will get back to you as soon as possible.

Tenura Daily Living Aids on the Go

With summer coming up we can’t help but get out for the day and enjoy the sun! However while many of us are constantly on the go all year round for various reasons, some of us find seemingly simple tasks more challenging than others do. If these simple tasks become much more difficult than previously, they can have a major impact on your fun or duties. With this blog post we are going to try and explain a few ways that Tenura products can help make these everyday tasks easier.

The ranges of select Tenura products below are designed to make various simple tasks on the go feel like a breeze once again.

Tenura Cutlery Grips

cutlery-gripsTenura cutlery grips, like the majority of Tenura products are produced from silicone. The main benefits of silicone are how well it grips and the comfort experienced while holding it. These features mean that you can take them anywhere with you. For example, if you’re going out for an expensive meal or just want to stop somewhere for lunch they are perfect for popping on to your cutlery quickly and easily. If Tenura cutlery grips get dirty they can be easily washed with hot, soapy water or by popping them in the dishwasher and once dry they are then ready to use again. Cutlery grips are not exclusive for use with cutlery as you can also put them on pens and pencils, with a larger surface area to hold, it will become easier to write and draw, reducing if not eliminate discomfort.

Tenura cutlery grips are available in adult sizes and children sizes.

Non-Slip Fabric

T-NET-Beige-Non-Slip-Fabric-Cupboard-Lining-1The Tenura Non-Slip Fabric is also beneficial when on the go. Made out of non-slip foam applied to a polyester mesh, this makes it a stable yet comfortable and cushioned non-slip material. This fabric is easy to cut, making it easier to carry as you can then only take as much as you need Due to non-slip fabrics flexibility, it is easy to fold and carry in your bag. It has multiple purposes when on the go, it can be used as additional comfort when sitting on a bench whilst relaxing or having a picnic.. You could also find its benefits when having a picnic by using it on the table surface to place your food and drinks on for either a cleaner surface or to make everything less prone to slips. It is also suitable for resting your arms and elbows on harder surfaces to increase comfort.

Tenura non slip fabric is available in 3 colours.

Moulded Cup Holders

T-CH-1-Red-Cup-Holder-Mug-Studio-1These cup holders are made from silicone and work exactly as a coaster would but are designed to hold onto the base of your cup and create a portable anti-slip surface. Tenura moulded cup holders fit onto the bottom of your cup indiscreetly and with minimal effort. This makes it easier to place cups down without marking any surfaces and will prevent accidents if the surface is overly slippery. Silicone also has a high tolerance to heat so these anti-slip cup holders prevent any spillages created by unwanted movement and preventing marks and stains on table surfaces that could be caused by hot mugs and cups. These will be very useful at the family picnic or at the office for those busy workers who are always on the go! Once placed down Tenura moulded cup holders will ensure your drink does not spill, but are also easy to remove and wash ready for next time!

Tenura moulded cup holders are available to buy from the website in 3 colors.

To purchase these products, visit the website or call us via phone or live chat. Alternatively use the contact us form and a member of the sales team will be in touch as soon as possible.

Rubber Bath Toys A Haven for Bacteria

Rubber Duck Toy in BathSwiss and American researchers recently released a study stating that bath-time toys, rubber ducks predominantly in this case, become a haven for disease-spreading bacteria.

The Swiss Federal Institute of Aquatic Science and Technology, ETH Zurich and the University of Illinois, counted the microbes found in the murky, stagnant water that resided in some of these bath-time toys. In 4 out of the 5 toys studied, they found that the water squeezed out of them contained “potentially pathogenic bacteria” such as Legionella and Pseudomonas aeruginosa. Bacterium which is “often implicated in hospital-acquired infection”.

While differences have been found in others, many bath-toys have produced similar results and the reason is down to the material. The plastic materials, with low-quality polymers in them, release carbons that can serve as food for the bacteria. While some of the bacteria is present in the water, bodily fluids, various contaminants and soap are also added. The additional components add microbes and nutrients such as nitrogen and phosphorous and when the bacteria are introduced to this balmy brine and the carbon released from the bath-toys material it creates a formula that produces a haven for bacteria to grow and thrive, so much so there was a strikingly high number recorded. Up to 75 million cells per square centimetre of a variety of bacteria and fungus. The research had lead to the conclusion that without the carbon produced from the low-quality polymers in the material, this number would have been much less dramatic.

The presence of bacteria is important for the development of a child’s immune system, but too much can lead to infections. The increase of which can be avoided by better quality bath toys that feature higher quality polymers thus preventing the growth and fungus and bacteria.

Tenura Antimicrobial Daily Living Aids

With Tenura for the most part being hand held daily living aids intended for use around food and drink, we too faced similar issues in making sure our products did not subject our users to these risks as well as others.

Initially creating our daily living aids from a non-toxic material, silicone, we removed the need for phthalates to be used in our products to make them pliable enough for their purpose. Phthalates have been used in similar products. It helps to soften cheaper materials to give them a more rubber like finish. The problem with phthalates, is that they are toxic and exposure to them can have long term detrimental health effects. This has resulted in them being banned or restricted in parts of Europe and the USA.

To help combat bacteria the only additive we used is an anti-microbial powder, added during the manufacturing process which prevents the build-up of bacteria and protecting against mold and fungi. This solitary additive is intended to help protect our customers, as well as add value through longevity to our daily living aids.

View the range on the website. Spend $60 or more and we will deliver your order to you free of charge.